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Agung Nugroho

Tell us about your unique side!

Kocak, mungkin (?)

Bisa menghidupkan suasana

Anyone you idolize?

Cak lontong,

Tenang, percaya diri walaupun ngaco

What do you usually listen to?

Standar lah. Yang penting enak aja

Lorde paling

Motion Pictures that you like!

Science fiction, action, comedy.

This might not be important... but any particular color you like?

Merah, Hitam, Putih

We live in an era where food is not just for survival; it's one of the best things in life. Like J.R.R. Tolkien said, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

Tell us a bit about your favorite delicacies!

Ga pilih pilih, yang penting enak dan terjangkau

So... we're gonna get a bit cheesy and cheeky, but basically what kind of person would you like to be your romantic counterpart?

Apa aja. Terima aja kalau udah jodohnya

We've had our share of quotes, so tell us yours!

Why be an angel when you can play God

Any achievements worth sharing?

Standar aja sih.

Ga stres selama kuliah disini udah prestasi menurut gw

Tell us about any clubs or organizations that you were part of during medschool!

BEM, seneng karena dapet pengalaman banyak nanganin suatu kerjaan

Stories! Stories! It's time for stories and fairy tales! Blood and tears and glee?

Paling berkesan pas ligmed, karena kita baru aja "gagal" nyelenggarain DC tapi kita bisa nunjukkin kalo kita bisa bangkit dan berhasil nyelenggarain ligmed dengan baik

Suka: bisa kenal temen2 seangkatan yg beragam, baik2, sama care

Duka: yaa, di akhir tingkat 4 ini. Ya tau sendiri lah modul 3 huruf itu

So, to wrap it up, in ten years... what would you be like?

Paling nyari kerja setelah selesai internship ato ga lanjut PTT satu tahun. InsyaAllah pengennya udah nikah dan berkeluarga. Setelah itu berusaha ngelengkapin syarat2 ppds. Kalo udah lengkap baru ngajuin pendaftaran ppds. InsyaAllah sampe sekarang sih masih pengen lanjut ke bedah plastik. Mudah2an nanti keterima. Amiin. Pengennya ke depannya setelah lulus, ilmu yang udah didapat bisa bermanfaat sama klinik bedah plastik bisa maju dan banyak kayak di korea atau thailand gitu haha. Amiin



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